Dragon Arts and Learning Centre - Agored Cymru Quality Review
In November 2011 our Dragon Arts and Learning Centre received high praise for it's high standards from an Agored Cymru Quality Review.
Below are some extracts from the review:
The Dragon Arts and Learning centre is an impressive example of a community organisation offering a quality, high standard learning experience to those learners who can access it.
The management and team of staff work together to ensure that every opportunity is presented for learners to achieve, without compromising the validity of the awards.
The centre management is pro-active in evaluating the provision and addressing any areas that could be improved on.
Risk assessments for outreach provision are conducted as a matter of course and all documentation held centrally.
[The] Centre have utilised the NOCN qualifications (Step Up and Employability) to meet funding requirements, which serves in gaining a recognised qualification for some learners, for the first time.
[The] Centre are proactive in supporting staff to attend Agored Cymru training and identifying internal training as outcomes from EV reporting. Internal standardisation in place is an example of good practice.
[There is] An impressive system of formally communicating changes to Agored Cymru accreditation.
The Centre demonstrates a commitment to quality and high standards in every aspect of Agored Cymru accreditation; they continuously seek to improve on systems to provide an effective and efficient service.
All policies are reviewed annually.
[The] Centre has already identified and have addressed possible compromise in objectivity between assessors and IV/AIV. [Regarding the standard: “The centre has systems in place to implement conditions and actions and share and promote good practice.”]…An impressive formal communication procedures in place.
[The] Centre is proactive in supporting staff to attend Agored Cymru training and identifying internal training as outcomes from EV reporting. All training records are held centrally.
The centre staff representatives have participated in Agored Cymru standardisation events and training exceeding the requirement for continued centre status.
Good practice: “The commitment of Centre Manager and staff to participate in standardisation and engage in training.”
The centre collaboratively works with other organisations to offer training services within the City and County of Swansea region and beyond. There are service level agreements in place, which specifically outline arrangements. A format of the service level agreement has been submitted to Agored Cymru for information and as an example of good practice.
Cyrenians Employment and Training is funded by the Welsh European Social Fund .
For more information please contact us on:
01792 467926