News and Events
Please check these pages regularly for the latest breaking news on what’s happening in our centres, with our clients and throughout our sector.
Pat Chown Creativity award 2014
November 12th 2014
The ReTreat project, based at the Cyrenians Community Centre, has won the 2014 Pat Chown Capturing Creativity award. This annual award presented by Community Housing Cymru recognises innovation and creativity in service delivery.
The ReTreat aims to address the unmet needs of sex workers and those with co-occurring mental health and substance misuse issues.
Rachel Henderson,
The ReTreat Co-ordinator, said,
‘We are delighted to receive this award. Clients of The ReTreat are amongst the most marginalised and disengaged in society. There is little peer support, usually no family networks and a grim and dangerous world of exploitation and substance misuse. This project through an innovative, multi-agency support network is working successfully with this hard to reach group and making a real difference to people’s lives.’
Charity praised for crucial role in hunt for new work
October 27th 2014
Cyrenians Cymru, Cyrenians Employment and Training and in particular their Employment Support Service (CESA) have been praised for their "fantastic service" in an article in South Wales Evening Post this week. ...
Read More about what Kim Davies had to say about the help she received from Cyrenians and CET
Tai Pawb’s Team Building Away Day
July 24th 2014
Staff from Tai Pawb came to try pottery at Dragon Arts and learning Centre, (DAL), today. Tai Pawb is an organisation that promotes equality and social justice in housing in Wales, and are based in Cardiff. Tai Pawb believes that all people have the right to access good quality housing in cohesive and safe communities.
The staff learned how to ‘throw’ a pot on our pottery wheels as part of their team building away day. There was a demonstration by the facilitator, Pab Phillips, first explaining the technique needed then the team got to individually craft their own vessels. All the team did extremely well and had a great time. We hope to see you back at DAL trying your hands at something else soon?
Dylan Thomas Cyanotype Project at Dragon Arts.
21st July 2014
The cyanotype process is one of the most accessible processes in terms of participation, as although specialist equipment is used, with support it is a creative process that most can engage with. Through the course of 8 sessions the participants will initially explore Dylan Thomas’ work through a series of visits, discussions and photography taster sessions.
The participants will be encouraged to find and work with a particular theme or symbol/symbols from Thomas’ work that is pertinent to themselves. They will also work collaboratively on a large art work which will form the centrepiece of an exhibition planned for late September.
They will continue to develop these ideas as a group with planning sessions and ceramic and photography workshops. There will also be visits to Laugharne Boat House and Cwmdonkin Park. Sessions will run Monday and Tuesday from 10am until 1pm at the centre.
Places are limited so please call 01792 467926 to reserve your place.
Working in Partnership with ‘Food for Life’
24th April 2014
‘Food for life Wales’, a food relief programme predominantly based in the Swansea and Cardiff areas, helping to feed those in need, is a campaign under ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), Charity number 259649. Their mission is to help other charities who are already making a difference to the local community, such as Cyrenians Cymru.
Through their food relief programme, they have kindly agreed to provide a hot vegetarian meal every Thursday evening, at our Community Centre on High Street, Swansea, to over 60 homeless and vulnerable people. This is making a huge difference to the lives of people living below the breadline, in the area.
We would like to say a big thank you to their staff and volunteers for the delicious food.
More information about Food for Life Wales.
Male Testicual Cancer Awareness Event at CCC
9th April 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre, High Street, Swansea are having a Male Testicular Cancer Awareness event on Wednesday 9th April.
With Advice on self examination and how to stay healthy and spot early signs of cancer.
For further information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Tesco donates food for the homeless
4th April 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre would like to thank staff from Tesco Marina store, Swansea, for their kind donation of turkey crowns, vegetables and trimmings, which make a very healthy and nutritious meal for people who are homeless or socially disadvantaged and assist in tackling poverty in one of the most deprived area of Swansea. They will also be setting up a trolley ‘food bank point’ in store for Cyrenians Community Centre, so that customers can donate items directly.
For further information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Bowel Cancer Awareness at Cyrenians Community Centre
3rd April 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre, High Street, Swansea are having a Bowel Cancer Awareness event on Thursday 3rd April 10:00am - 1:00pm.
Supported by Macmillan and Public Health Wales.
Information, help and guidance will be available.
For further information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Rasoi Helps Homeless in Swansea
24th March 2014
Pontlliw based Rasoi Indian Kitchen fed over sixty people who are currently homeless or vulnerably housed in Swansea at a special event held on Tuesday 18th March.
The event took place at a community centre on High Street, which is run by Cyrenians Cymru, a local homeless charity, which exists to tackle entrenched poverty and deprivation in South West Wales.
The team at Rasoi, headed up by the co-owner of the restaurant Suki Kullar, provided a range of hot Indian dishes at the community centre and learnt more about the needs of people who are currently being helped by the Cyrenians.
Suki Kullar, co-owner of Rasoi Indian Kitchen said: “We were delighted to provide food for the evening and it was wonderful to see it enjoyed by everyone”.
“Rasoi Indian Kitchen set up and supports Sikhi Sewa Mission UK, a charity in India which aims to make the lives of vulnerable and impoverished people better through improved healthcare, so we were more than happy to assist Cyrenians Cymru to deliver their vital service, and in doing so has given us the opportunity to learn more about the vulnerable people living in our own city.“
“We hope the event will raise awareness of the excellent work that is being carried out by Cyrenians Cymru and the plight of people entrenched in poverty within Swansea.” One of the recipients, Hedi Ashkanian, said, “The food was very very tasty! I wanted the recipe. I really enjoyed the event!”
Polly Stone, Marketing and Partnerships Manager at Cyrenians Cymru, said: “We are so grateful to the Rasoi for providing food for this event. Due to welfare reforms we are seeing an increase in the number of people coming to the centre in need of hot meals.”
Let's Talk About Sex - at Cyrenians Community Centre
12th March 2014
Come along to our Let's Talk About Sex Event on Wednesday 12th March at the Cyrenians Community Centre.
The event will take place between 10:00am - 1:00pm, with help, guidance and advice on the following topics and questions:
STI’s, risk taking behaviour, self esteem, who did you sleep with last night? Contraception and condoms, confidential converstaion and Chlamydia testing.
If you would like more information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
No Smoking Day - at Cyrenians Community Centre
11th March 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre is hosting a No Smoking Day event. With free tips, advice and help on how to quit smoking.
The event runs from 10:00am - 1:00pm on Tuesday 11th March. If you would like to attend please phone or visit the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Food and Mood with Hafal - at Cyrenians Community Centre
28th February 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre will be holding a Food and Mood event on the 28th February.
The event will run from 10:00am - 1:00pm giving advice and guidance from Hafal on healthy foods, healthy eating and what foods are good for good moods.
If you would like more information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Healthy Heart Day - at Cyrenians Community Centre
14th February 2014
Why not come along to Healthy Heart Day on Friday 14th February at the Cyrenians Community Centre.
The event will take place between 10:00am - 1:00pm, with healthy food, advice on eating healthily, advice on smoking cessation and advice on increasing activity.
If you would like more information please contact the Cyrenians Community Centre.
Swansea: Return to the streets
5th February 2014
New Series returns 10.35pm Monday 10th February on the BBC.
Follow the stories of homeless people in Swansea.
Filmmakers Chris Rushden and Tracy Harris follow the compelling stories of homeless people in Swansea, showing us the lives of the people that have no choice but to live on the streets.
Love Your Liver Day - at Cyrenians Community Centre
29th January 2014
Cyrenians Community Centre is hosting a 'Love Your Liver' event. Free tips and advice will be available, informing you of what the liver does within your body and how you can keep it healthy.
Advice is also available on alcohol and your liver, alcohol and your love life, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis A and B immunisations for 'at risk' patients.
The event runs from 10.00am - 1.00pm on Wednesday 29th January. If you would like to attend please phone or visit the centre.
Cyrenians Furniture Scheme - formerly Resarec
22nd January 2014
Resarec is re-branding itself as Cyrenians Furniture Scheme.
If you follow us on Facebook you will have regular notifications leading up to the closure of the Resarec page. This is in order for you to like and share the new page. You will then continue to receive details and photographs of new stock and sale days. The new page is live. Follow the link below. Please like the new page and share amongst your networks. There are many great bargains in store!
Cyrenians Employment Support Agency Outreach Venues
January 2014
CESA - Cyrenians Employment Support Agengy are available for a drop in service at various locations starting in February.
Mondays: St. Thomas Library
Tuesdays: Clydach Library
Wednesdays: Morriston Library and Gorseinon Library
Appointments can also be made at CESA's main office throughout the week.
Please get in touch for further details:
Telephone: 01792 464229