Dragon Arts and Learning Centre
The Dragon Arts and Learning Centre provides free arts and training classes and opportunities to anyone who has experienced homelessness or social exclusion and who may have difficulty accessing mainstream education.
This is done through a wide range of activities and events both on and off-site. Courses run at the Dragon Arts and Learning Centre include, pottery, ceramics, music, IT, mixed media, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and many others.
People have the opportunity to come along to courses for participation and enjoyment in the mornings or attend afternoon classes to work toward accredited qualifications.
New Autumn timetable - September 2013.
Dragon Arts' New Timetable can be downloaded here (PDF Format 1Mb).
We are pleased that a variety of Glass workshops are back on our timetable and also that Michelle Blease has returned from Maternity leave and ESOL classes will also recommence this term. As well as delivering the usual ESOL curriculum Michelle will also be delivering a new project entitled "Sharing Stories, Sharing Understanding" funded by the Big Lottery through NIACE Dysgu Cymru. This project will encourage non-English speakers to improve their language skills by sharing traditional and cultural stories with workshops being run by both Michelle and local storytellers. Please contact us for further details.
We are able to offer training free of charge to people in certain circumstances.
Please check our eligibility criteria to see whether you qualify.
For contact details and how to find us please go to our contacts page.